In love with a person, that feeling of affection is deeper, you feel greater confidence, a degree of understanding that we do not have with other people, as
well as admiration, respect and physical attraction. Let´s see these tips:

Project feelings. 

By this we mean that we must adopt postures and behaviours that can end up changing the way the other person looks at us, having more intimate conversations, being more affectionate, touching his arm subtly, wearing those clothes that we know he likes and analysing his reaction to our little hints to see if he responds positively.

Show interest in his things. 

Show someone that we are interested
in their work, their dreams, their goals, praise their achievements and give them some compliments that make them notice us a little more and perhaps start to look at us differently.

Use the environment. 

We can try to go out with our friend and with
one or two formal partners, the atmosphere in this type of situation is different from what it feels like when we go out with a group of friends. Studies on personal relationships ensure that people allow themselves to be influenced by the environment and in this way a romantic interest can be created.

Use humor. 

If we are not quite sure what the other persons reaction
will be when they find out about our feelings, we can try to subtly joke about what could happen if we were a couple. Observing their reaction can give us clues and know if we will be rejected or accepted.

Try to know if the love is mutual.

It may be that the other person has been using these tips and we have reacted, you never know. It is good to analyse if she has given us any indication of being attracted, she has wanted to spend more time with us and behaves in a special way, or behaves as usual.

Remember details.

It is very flattering that we remember the name of his close relatives, his pet, his phone number, the type of food he likes the most and of course his birthday.


Sometimes it is good to stop being so accessible for all the plans made by the person we are interested in, because we can end up as part of the set because we are always there. Saying no, turning off the phone and being unreachable for a weekend can be a good way to see if there is any interest on your part.

Opinion of others.

The other trusted friends of the same group can be a good source of advice and also with an objective vision. They will be able to honestly tell us if we have a chance or if it is possible for that person to like someone else.

Increase physical contact.

We are referring to putting your hand on his shoulder for a few seconds while we speak, touching his arm when crossing a street, taking him by the hand to tell him something interesting, so that if the other person is not interested it is not an awkward situation for him. and if he rejects us it will probably be gentle.

Give away roses.

Take advantage of special dates like her birthday to give her Luxury roses, which will always be symbols of love, inner beauty, innocence, joy and affection.

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